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    Kumar Jeetendra

    Bacteria Helps in Production of Neurotransmitter in Gut

    Although serotonin is well known as a brain neurotransmitter, it is estimated that 90 percent of the body's serotonin is made in the digestive tract. In fact, altered levels of this peripheral serotonin have been linked to diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. New research at Caltech, published in the April

    Norovirus Infection From Your Dog

    According to research publish in “Journal of Clinical Microbiology” a publication of American society of Microbiology, our canine companion may infected by human norovirus, which increases the possibilities of dog-to-human transmission, according to author: Sarah Caddy, VetMB, PhD, MRCVS. According to Center of Disease Control USA, Norovirus is a cause of food-borne illness in United

    Dissemination of Scientific Awareness through Digital media

    This is extremely thanks to world of internet and its worldwide coverage that we all can receive and share any of information very fast from all around the world. Apart from this on another way there are lot of digital media Channels, library, Journals, Magazines exerting hundred times more positively effects for the distribution of

    Scientists Identified New Pathway For Nerve Cell Death Exerts Beneficial Effects For Treatment Of Neurological Disorders

    According to recent research study published online on 23rd April 2015 at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, nerve cell communicate with each other through Axon cables, such communication responsible for vital activities, such as thinking and memory, movement and language. According to study research finds that: “We have uncovered new details that

    Lumpy Skin Disease Tourist who does not rest

    Dear readers Microbioz India, I would like to say thanks to all of our readers supporters and more as our team members who appreciate me well in continuing of Microbioz India, monthly official publication. Microbioz India, May 2015 issue of magazines, cover story of magazines featured by a very fastest growing and one of the

    New Research on Jet Fuel Production

    Researcher from Washington State University opens the new mystery that, producing jet fuel by using fungus mostly find in soil and decaying leaves. Researcher suggest that this research will play in production of Biofuels in affordable costs.Scientists of WSU used species of Aspergillus to produce “Carbonarius ITEM 5010” on of the chief component in aviation

    Microbes Can Prevent Environmental Damage Recent Studies Suggest

    Terry Hazen, the Governor’s Chair for Environmental Biotechnology a joint UT-ORNL appointment with his team working on recent tools with his co-workers and suggests the tool so valuable while preventing our environmental damages. We all well know that maximum infectious and contagious diseases are due to number of microbes related directly or indirectly with our

    Transport Of Disease Causing Prions Through Grass

    Prions are an Infectious and disease causing protein based agents. Responsible for the diseases like includes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in cattle, scrapie in sheep, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer, elk and moose.According to research published online in latest issue of “Cell reports” authored by Scientists

    An Interview with Pf Neil Woodford

    As we introduce our readers each month with Scientists/Academician, this month Microbioz India team performed an Interview with one of eminent Scientist and famous Microbiologist from England, named Pf.Neil Woodford, Head, Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections Reference Unit (AMRHAI), Public Health England. Here are few interesting points of interview with Pf.Woodford are given. Microbioz

    Protection against Tuberculosis with Immune Based Therapy

    In a recent research works did by scientists of UT Southwestern Medical Center new interesting mystery opens scientists of University solved the mystery that how certain immune based enzyme plays an important role in defending our body from Mycobacterium infection which is the cause of 1.5 million deaths annually. New research is based on immune