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    Kumar Jeetendra

    Researcher Identify Mutations In Transmission Of Mers From Bat To Humans

    Researcher from University of Minnesota, Medical center recently identified two mutations allowing in transfer of MERS-Middle East Respiratory Syndrome from Bat to humans, the findings is published recently in Journal of Virology. MERS is a respiratory illness that is new to human beings; It was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since

    An Interview with Dr K P Ranjan

    Microbioz India perform an interview with Dr.K.P. Ranjan,Department of Microbiology,Gajra Raja Medical College,Gwalior,M.P.,India,Dr.Ranjan is a Medical Microbiologist and have depth interest in Microbiology Research Our team bless him for great future a head. Find few interesting points of interview with him. Microbioz team: Why you opt MICROBIOLOGY as a career? Dr.Ranjan: Microbiology is a branch

    Researcher Identified Bio Markers Linked To Heart Diseases

    Researcher from University of North Carolina recently identified Bio-markers linked to one of most common death cause, heart disease. The finding published in PLoS. Studies suggests two new targets – oxidized LDL cholesterol and glycated proteins (i.e., fructosamine or hemoglobin A1c) – that researchers can further investigate and perhaps target through medications to help people

    Fast Healing And Treatment Of Wounds Through Peppermint Oil

    Researcher identified the use of Peppermint oil and Cinnamon for chronic wounds, which results by the development of number of infectious bacterial colonies over wounds, sometime this is harder to treat them and doctors suggest cutting and removes the tissues. Recently scientists found certain medicinal plants has amazing key role and antimicrobial properties, they found

    Garlic Extract Fighting Against Microbiota of Urinary Tract Infections

    Recent research study published in Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science opens a news mysterious value of Garlic extract in fighting against Multi Drug Resistance Bacteria of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).The research is conducted by Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, India”. UTIs are most common infections in number of peoples worldwide and treatment is

    Effects Of Probiotics Are Best Promoted By Dairy Products

    The role of Probiotics in boosting health are highly influenced by type of Probiotics we intake. Research Published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Journal of American Society of Microbiology. The Researchers unlocked a new thought while working on sample Probiotics strain Lactobacillus casei BL23 in a mouse model of colitis and find that mice that

    New Mechanisms suggests Pollen Induced Allergic Diseases

    Certain Allergic Diseases influenced with pollen grains which is responsible for Asthma and few nasal diseases. Researcher from University of Texas Medical branch at Galveston open a mysterious mechanism which plays a central key role in Pollen grains induces allergic reactions. The concern research is currently available online in American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. Normally

    Bacterial Protein In Rice Plants Helps In Fighting With Blight Disease

    Team of Researcher from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Joint Bio Energy Institute (JBEI) and the University of California (UC) Davis, recently uncovered a mysterious though on development of immune system in rice plants which influenced by fight against Bacterial Blight diseases with help of Bacterial molecules. Researcher finds tyrosine-sulfated bacterial protein (RaxX) activates the

    Dr Kalam Journey from News Paper Seller Boy to President of India

    Microbioz India,August 2015 Issue Tribute to Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Cover Story: "Journey"……News Paper Seller Boy to President of India Dear friends/Readers/Supporters we are happy to launching this special issue of Microbioz India Magazines on August 2015 edition.This issue of Magazine is dedicated to our former president Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam died on July 27th 2015 at Indian Institute

    Unlocking Mysterious Thought Production of Bio catalyst for Industrial application using Cyanobacteria

    A crucial step towards sustainable chemical processes according to Dr Marc Nowaczyk from the Chair for Plant Biochemistry and Jun.-Prof Dr Robert Kourist, Junior Research Group Microbial Biochemistry. Researchers are successful on production of certain substances having smart industrial value in production number of food and other products. According to Original Research: Using Cyanobacteria, the

    Cardiac Muscles Cannot Regenerate in Case of Humans why

    Generally cardiac muscle cells die after damaging of heart which leads to loose of normal heart function and cause severe attack and death then after. Amphibians have nature of regenerating cardiac muscle cells after damaging of heart, and they all can cope up with these conditions. Scientists find way and mechanism why this regeneration system

    Lactobacilli protects our Intestinal cell New Finding

    Lactobacilli well known for its positive effects over intestines and helps our intestinal cell. Researchers trying to use these microbes for treatment of intestinal diseases. Researcher from Emory University School of Medicine working on concept that How regulatory circuit does called Nrf2, present in both insects and mammals, responds to beneficial bacteria and gears up