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Microbioz India perform an interview with Dr.K.P. Ranjan,Department of Microbiology,Gajra Raja Medical College,Gwalior,M.P.,India,Dr.Ranjan is a Medical Microbiologist and have depth interest in Microbiology Research Our team bless him for great future a head.
Find few interesting points of interview with him.
Microbioz team: Why you opt MICROBIOLOGY as a career?
Dr.Ranjan: Microbiology is a branch of medicine concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, this field of science studies various clinical applications of microbes for the improvement of health. It helps to explore the relationship of microorganisms with other organisms and how they influence the human beings and their life. Microbiologists play a significant role in the society, as their expertise help to conduct research on the microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites etc on human life and their rapid diagnosis and consequently earlier treatment of several patients suffering from life threatening conditions. That is why I opted as the profession in Microbiology.
Microbioz team: Tell us a little more about your professional experiences; and how it will the young academics, student and our readers?
Dr.Ranjan: I started my carrier as a teacher cum medical microbiologist in medical college. I have approx 10 years of experience of postgraduate (PhD, MD) and undergraduate (MBBS) teaching with diagnostic, administrative and research work in government medical colleges and associated hospitals. I have more than 22 publications in various international and national indexed journals to my credit. I am also trained in medical laboratories quality management system and certified quality auditor with National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) for ISO : 15189 for clinical laboratories. I am a SST Member and Resource Person of HIV/STI-Sentinel Surveillance, Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) programs of Government of India. I am also Life Memberships of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist, Hospital Infection Society-India, International Society of Infectious Diseases and Society of Biological Scientists of India.
Microbioz team: What is your favorite part of your current job and why is it your favourate part?
Dr.Ranjan: My current job involves teaching, diagnostic, research and administrative work in my college and associated hospitals. My favorite part of the job is to talk and implement about new innovations and developments in diagnostic microbiology, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, which may help and change the future. Apart from this, the research work involving patients and clinical samples are quite fascinating and challenging since I can connect my research findings with the disease pattern directly. As bei