An automated cryogenic storage and retrieval system for sample storage and management

An automated cryogenic storage and retrieval system for sample storage and management


  • Post By : Kumar Jeetendra

  • Source: Microbioz India

  • Date: 12 Mar,2020

Worthington Industries the leading global supplier of pressure tanks and cylinders for cryogenic applications launches RoboStor in India, an automated cryogenic storage and retrieval system for sample storage and management.

The Worthington RoboStor™ by Celltrio product offering gives computerized cryogenic capacity and recovery framework for test sample storage and management.RoboStor™ is intended for investigate and improvement, bio banking and cell refined applications.

Designed with Safety in mind:
• Robotic recovery limits test presentation to room temperatures

• Eliminate manual lifting and venturing into the cooler

Offers enhanced storage security
• Three-level review trail for following client activities and information on a for each client premise

• Inventory the board framework incorporates scanner tag peruser to empower test approval

Provides efficient operations
• Search work gives brisk recognizable proof and area of tests away

• RoboStor™ prescribes upgraded capacity areas dependent on current stockpiling usage.

Around-the-clock monitoring
• Automatic fluid nitrogen conveyance is activated when levels each a predefined esteem

• Provides a discretionary association with an office caution framework.

For more information:
Biolinx India Pvt Ltd
[email protected]

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