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    Drug discovery pipeline to exploit transcription factors for cancer therapy

    Cancer is a major cause of death and among the most complicated challenges to contemporary medication. By employing cutting-edge technologies that precisely measure the effects of candidate targets and drugs on the fundamental process of transcription, the new start-up firm QUANTRO Therapeutics tries to radically change the precision and range of cell-based drug screening. QUANTRO’s

    Dotmatics collaborates with LabVoice

    Dotmatics Ltd, a scientific informatics software and services company that is driving the automation of laboratory data workflows for scientific discovery and innovation research, today announced a new partnership with LabVoice to provide R&D scientists with the ability to record, access, and track data within an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) using hands-free voice-assisted technology. The

    IGC analysts get three out of six European Research Council grants

    Since the establishment of the European Research Council in 2008, the IGC has secured 17 of the competitive grants (7 Beginning, 8 Consolidator and two Advanced). In 2021, with the beginning of the new grants awarded this month, it will have ten active grants. The year of 2020 marks a total of 327 researchers chosen

    Study clarifies the impact of getting old on hematopoietic stem cells

    By shifting mouse elderly hematopoietic stem cells (aged HSCs) to the environment of young mice (bone marrow niche), it was shown that the pattern of stem cell gene expression was rejuvenated to that of young hematopoietic stem cells. On the other hand, the function of elderly HSCs failed to recover in the young bone marrow

    Sulforaphane draws out life expectancy and healthspan of C. elegans through insulin/IGF-1 flagging

    Aging-US released”Sulforaphane boosts C. elegans longevity and healthspan through DAF- 16/DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 signaling” which reported that the broccoli-derived isothiocyanate sulforaphane inhibits inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer, but its impact on healthspan and longevity are unclear. The writers used the C. elegans nematode version and fed the wildtype and 9 mutant strains ±sulforaphane. Sulforaphane increased the

    Novel device can add or eliminate sugar from proteins

    Sugar has been called “evil,” “toxic,” and “poison.” But the body needs sugars, also. Sugar molecules help cells recognize and fight germs and viruses, shuttle proteins from cell to cell, and make sure those proteins function. Too much or too small can give rise to a range of maladies, including neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes,

    Intense openness of lung tissue to vape airborne lesserly affects gene expressionthan cigarette smoke

    A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Toxicological Research & Application reveals acute exposure of a 3D human bronchial tissue model to e-cigarette aerosol has minimal impact on gene expression in contrast to smoke from combustible cigarettes. The study included sub-cytotoxic vulnerability to cells in a 3D human bronchial model (MucilAirTM) to nicotine-containing vape

    New examination reveals insight into complex brain measure that learns and structure new memories

    Making memories involves over seeing friends or taking photos. How neurons do so –reaching out arm-like dendrites to communicate with other neurons–requires a ballet of genes, signaling molecules, cellular scaffolding and protein-building machinery. A new study from scientists at Scripps Research and the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience finds a fundamental role for one