NH4OH: Structure, Properties, Uses, & Solubility Properties

NH4OH: Structure, Properties, Uses, & Solubility Properties


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  • Source: Microbioz India

  • Date: 02 Sep,2023

NH4OH, or ammonium hydroxide, is the result of NH3 dissolving in H2O. However, NH4OH is typically used to represent aqueous ammonia, even though the solution is primarily made up of separate H2O and NH3 molecules.


Structure of nh4oh

Consisting of a nitrogen atom (N) and three hydrogen atoms (H) bonded in a pyramidal shape, ammonia (NH3) is a molecule. A bent shape molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms (H) and an oxygen atom (O) bonded together to form H2O.


Ammonium hydroxide solutions have a pH greater than 7, indicating their basic nature.


A characteristic odor of ammonia emanates strongly, pungently from it.


The solution, typically not tinted, is color.

Also read: 

Is NH4OH soluble in water? Everything you need to know

Boiling & Freezing points

The concentration of ammonia plays a factor in the boiling and freezing points, which are comparable to that of water.


Concentration impacts density, though it resembles water.


In solution, the compound conducts electricity due to its ionic nature.

Properties of Solubility of nh4oh

Ammonium hydroxide is highly soluble in water and forms a homogeneous mixture.

Solubility in Organic Solvents: It is not very soluble in most organic solvents due to its ionic nature.

Uses of nh4oh

Uses Household and industrial cleaning agents utilize a cleaning agent to get the job done. Common in labs as a base, laboratory reagent. Treatment of fibers and textiles is a common application in the textile industry. A popular agent in the food sector, used for pH control as well as an additive. Facilities that treat water sometimes utilize it to counteract acidic waste. In the field of analytical chemistry, titrations are employed for the purpose of titration. Considerations of safety should be kept in mind. It’s important to stay out of harm’s way, surroundings that could pose a threat should be avoided. One must take appropriate measures to reduce the likelihood of accidents or injury. \

Safety considerations of nh4oh

Precautionary actions like wearing protective gear and recognizing potential hazards can aid in preventing mishaps. Plan ahead to ensure safety is always a top priority. Ammonium hydroxide, with its corrosive nature, can result in painful burns. The eyes and respiratory system could be irritated and harmed by inhaling the harmful fumes. Reacts with acids and can produce toxic fumes, showcasing its reactive nature.

FAQs : nh4oh

1.nh4oh acid or base

NH4OH is a weak base because it incompletely ionised in water and produce a small quantum of hydroxide ions( OH −).

NH4OH ⇌ NH4 OH −

2. is nh4oh soluble in water

Ammonia dissolved in water has the chemical formula NH4OH. This liquid goes by several other names, including ammonia water, ammonium hydroxide, ammonia liquor, and aqueous ammonia. “NH3 (aq)” is a common shorthand for NH4OH.

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