An Interview with Dr C Durga Rao

An Interview with Dr C Durga Rao


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  • Date: 09 Sep,2015


Microbioz India team performed an interview with an eminent scientist from Indian Institute of Science, (IISc)-Bangalore, India named C.Durga Rao, Ph.D. working as Professor in Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology.Here are few interesting lines of interview with him.

Microbioz team : Why you chose MICROBIOLOGY as a career?

Dr. Rao : Fate and nature’s decision.

Microbioz team : What is the favorite part of your current job and why is it your favourate part?

Dr. Rao : Doing experiments at the bench.

Microbioz team : How would your background and experiences strengthen this academic department?

Dr. Rao : With enormous experience, made significant discoveries, which are of public health importance.

Microbioz team : Which skills have you acquired in your present or previous positions that make you competitive for this position?

Dr. Rao : Developing a new and unexplored area of research from scratch—epidemiology to translational research to fundamental biology of viruses.

Microbioz team : What do you consider is the most important contribution your academic experiences have made to this organization? What was your role?

Dr. Rao : Our research on rotavirus and enterovirus contributed to the understanding of 2 important viral diseases in India and brought recognition to the Institute and the country.We started work on r

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