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Lipids require the cell membrane to be intact. The plasma membrane or cell membrane is primarily composed of lipids which are in a double layer.
The most abundant lipids that make up cell membranes are phospholipids which have a hydrophobic tail and polar head that attracts water. These phospholipids situate themselves in such a way as to create an interface between the cytoplasmic contents and extracellular fluid.
Many cellular processes rely on cell membrane fluidity, including signal transduction, trafficking through membranes and cell-cell interactions. Also, it regulates its fluidity by inserting between phospholipid molecules so that they become less motile leading to rigidity or fluidity of them being controlled respectively. This allows for maintenance of cellular structural integrity while at the same time enabling them to adapt to shifting conditions within cells that may demand some changes in their physical arrangement.
Similarly, lipids on cell membranes act as signals or precursors for signal molecules involved in communication between cells. For example, several types are second messengers that signal via phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) and sphingolipid pathways which transmit information from outside into the cell interior. These are involved in controlling processes like growth, differentiation and death.
Glycolipids- lipids with carbohydrate chains attached- assist in recognition among cells within tissues; they facilitate immune response, tissue development and organogenesis among other similar recognition processes through which cells interact with one another helping maintain their structures as well as that of organs and other tissues in body.
The presence of this lipid bilayer protects cells from numerous hostile substances present in extracellular space such as toxins, pathogens and even some foreign chemicals. In this way it helps in maintaining the overall integrity of the cell.
To sum up, lipids are important to the plasma membrane and play various roles in maintaining its integrity. They help stabilize the structure; regulate fluidity, signaling, adhesion and protect against external factors thus ensuring proper cellular function and survival.