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    Smoking traditional cigarettes alongside e-cigarettes causes harmful wellbeing impacts

    Smoking traditional cigarettes in addition to using e-cigarettes leads to harmful health effects like smoking cigarettes exclusively, according to new research published today in the American Heart Association’s flagship journal Circulation. Smoking, a well-known link to cardiovascular disease and death, seems to be on the decline. While using e-cigarettes, known as vaping, is increasingly popular,

    Study shows why children of obese moms have inclination to create metabolic illnesses

    A Brazilian study published in the journal Molecular Human Reproduction helps understand why overweight mothers often have children with a propensity to develop metabolic disease during their lifetime, according to previous research. According to the authors,”transgenerational transmission of metabolic disorders” may be associated with Mfn2 deficiency in the mother’s oocytes (immature eggs). Mfn2 refers to

    Sulforaphane draws out life expectancy and healthspan of C. elegans through insulin/IGF-1 flagging

    Aging-US released”Sulforaphane boosts C. elegans longevity and healthspan through DAF- 16/DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 signaling” which reported that the broccoli-derived isothiocyanate sulforaphane inhibits inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer, but its impact on healthspan and longevity are unclear. The writers used the C. elegans nematode version and fed the wildtype and 9 mutant strains ±sulforaphane. Sulforaphane increased the

    Gene panel test empowers exceptionally exact diagnosis of liposarcomas

    Scientists have leveraged the latest advances in RNA technology and machine learning methods to develop a gene panel evaluation which allows for highly accurate diagnosis of the most frequent kinds of liposarcoma. The new assay is described in The Journal of Molecular Diagnosis, published by Elsevier. Liposarcomas are a type of malignant cancer that is

    Scientists investigate how messenger substances impact singular decision making

    According to other studies, different parts of the brain are responsible for different kinds of decisions. A research team headed by Luca Franziska Kaiser and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jocham in the HHU working group’Biological Psychology of Decision Making’, and Dr. Theo Gruendler together with colleagues in Magdeburg examined the balance of the messenger substances GABA

    Intense openness of lung tissue to vape airborne lesserly affects gene expressionthan cigarette smoke

    A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Toxicological Research & Application reveals acute exposure of a 3D human bronchial tissue model to e-cigarette aerosol has minimal impact on gene expression in contrast to smoke from combustible cigarettes. The study included sub-cytotoxic vulnerability to cells in a 3D human bronchial model (MucilAirTM) to nicotine-containing vape