Study recognizes new arrangement of performing multiple tasks taste cells Kumar Jeetendra | August 15, 2020 Our mouths might be home to some recently discovered group of multi-tasking taste cells -;unlike most famous flavor cells, which discover individual preferences -;are effective at detecting sour, sweet, bitter and umami stimulation. A research team headed by Kathryn Medler at the University at Buffalo reports this discovery in a research published 13th August in …
Sloan Kettering Institute specialists offer news answer to 100-year-old malignancy secret Kumar Jeetendra | January 23, 2021 The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of a basic discovery that is taught in every biochemistry textbook. In 1921, German doctor Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells harvest energy from sugar sugar in a strangely inefficient manner: instead of”burn” it using cancer cells do what yeast do — they ferment it. This oxygen-independent process …