Rersearch shows quick period of vein rebuilding after aneurysm Kumar Jeetendra | January 26, 2021 Hitting a pothole on the road in only the wrong way might create a bulge on the tire, a weakened spot that will almost certainly result in an eventual flat tire. But what if that tire could immediately begin reknitting its rubber, strengthening the bulge and preventing it from bursting? That’s exactly what blood vessels …
Hydrogel injection could help fix harm to the heart muscle after heart attack Kumar Jeetendra | February 19, 2021 Researchers at CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at NUI Galway, and BIOFORGE Lab, at the University of Valladolid in Spain, have developed an injectable hydrogel which might help repair and prevent additional damage to the heart muscle following a heart attack occasion. The results of their research have only been published …