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    Revelation may decrease the ecological effect of chemical manufacturing

    Chemical manufacturers frequently use toxic solvents such as alcohols and benzene to make products such as pharmaceuticals and plastics. Researchers are analyzing a previously overlooked and misunderstood phenomenon in the chemical reactions used to make these products. Combining metal and ore nanoparticles hastens many chemical reactions and helps maximize yield and profit margins for the

    Researchers examine how oxygen radicals secure against cancer

    Initially, oxygen radicals – reactive oxygen species, or ROS for short – were thought of as exclusively harmful in the body. They’re produced, by way of example, by smoking or UV radiation. Because of their high reactivity, they could damage many important molecules in cells, including the hereditary molecule DNA. As a result, there’s a

    New chemical interaction utilizes photocatalytic layer to eliminate steroid hormones

    Micropollutants like steroid hormones contaminate drinking water worldwide and pose a substantial threat to human health and the environment even in smallest quantities. Until today, readily scalable water treatment technologies that remove them economically and sustainably have been lacking. It takes advantage of the mechanisms of photocatalysis and transforms the pollutants into possibly safe oxidation

    Researchers move forward in the development of microbial fuel cells

    A UCLA-led group of engineers and chemists have taken an important step in the creation of fuel cells made by microbial organisms which is a method that makes use of natural bacteria to pull electrons out of organic material within the water to create electrical currents. A research paper detailing the groundbreaking technology was published

    Dietary components hold guarantee for working on the health and wellbeing of grown-ups

    Research suggests that nutritional supplements that target specific mechanisms that are associated with age-associated cellular decay (AACD), have the potential to improve health and well-being for adults. “Cellular Nutrition and Its Influence on Age-Associated Cellular Decline,” the latest issue of The Gerontological Society of America’s What’s Hot newsletter with accompanying infographic, provides an overview of