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    More than 13 million kids didn’t get any antibodies whatsoever even before COVID-19 disturbed worldwide vaccination-UNICEF

    As the world stands by urgently for an antibody, the COVID-19 pandemic is proceeding to flood over the globe. A large number of youngsters are at risk for missing life-sparing antibodies against measles, diphtheria and polio because of interruptions in vaccination administrations. Last time anyone checked, most nations had suspended mass polio battles and 25

    First new oral polio vaccine in quite a while

    Stage 1 preliminary shows guarantee for fruition of slowed down annihilation exertion; offers exercises for COVID-19 immunization improvement Before being stopped because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a constant immunization crusade had almost prevailing with regards to annihilating polio from the world. Somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed

    Bharat Biotech to lead human monoclonal antibodies venture

    A task authorized by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to create human monoclonal antibodies as treatment for COVID-19 diseases will be driven by Bharat Biotech. Reporting this on Friday, the Hyderabad-based immunization maker said however endeavors were in progress for advancement of medications and antibodies for controlling the pandemic, they were moderate

    Herd immunity limit could be lower than recently suspected: Study

    Herd immunity to COVID-19, which happens when such huge numbers of individuals in a network become safe to the illness that it quits spreading, could be accomplished with less individuals being contaminated than recently assessed, as per another examination. Researchers, including those from the University of Nottingham in the UK, noticed that group resistance creates

    New T-cell-based immunization procedure gives more extensive insurance against occasional flu

    As Americans begin pulling their sleeves up for an annual flu vaccine, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have provided new insights into an alternate vaccine approach that provides wider protection against seasonal flu. In a study published in Cell Reports Medicine today (Sept. 22), scientists describe a T-cell-based vaccine strategy that’s effective against multiple

    Rockwell Industries ties with DRL for freezer to store Sputnik V

    Rockwell Industries, a cold chain appliance manufacturer on Wednesday announced its strategic partnership with Dr Reddy’s Labs, to provide its World Health Organisation – Performance, Quality and Safety certified Covid-19 vaccine freezersto enablestorage of Sputnik V vaccine in India. According to a release by Rockwell, the vaccine freezer plays a very critical role in the safety