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    YMC Europe presents New Glass Column Packing Service

    Spare time and request prepacked glass segments! Is it true that you are inadequate with regards to an opportunity to pack your Column? Or on the other hand don’t you have adequate experience? Here is the arrangement! Depend on the experience of YMC and utilize prepacked ECO or ECOPLUS segments. Our packing expertise is your

    Robust YMC-Triart C18 columns are the ideal decision for reliable and reproducible (U)HPLC examinations of peptides and oligonucleotides

    Robust YMC-Triart C18 columns are the perfect choice for reliable and reproducible (U)HPLC analyses of peptides and oligonucleotides with exceptional resolution. The wide temperature- (up to 90°C) and pH-range (1-12) provide increased flexibility. Full MS compatibility is guaranteed due to virtually no column bleeding. Optionally available metal-free bioinert hardware inhibits unwanted interactions and ensures highly

    Real-Time Monitoring of HPLC Pump Performance

    TESTA Analytical Solutions has published a technical report that evaluates an exciting new liquid flowmeter device designed to provide continuous real-time monitoring of the pump flow rate of any liquid chromatography system. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is nowadays one of the most widely used techniques in analytical chemistry. The range of applications soluble using

    Everything you need to know about Ultrapure Water that Improves Results In 2D Gel Electrophoresis

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), launched an initiative called Pharmaceutical CGMMPs for 21st Century — Risk-Based Approach in August 2002. The FDA’s recommendations for the use of technological advances in pharmaceutical production, as well as the implementation of modern quality management and risk management tools and concepts were highlighted in this initiative. The FDA’s constant striving

    Failsafe monitor to shut off your HPLC if a solvent reservoir runs dry

    The Solvent Line Monitor from TESTA Analytical is a true plug-and-play addition to any HPLC system designed to detect when one or more of its pump solvent reservoirs are empty and automatically shut-off the system. Modern chromatography systems often include automation enabling them to achieve a high sample throughput which was unthinkable just a few

    High resolution microflowmeter ensures reliability of quantitative LC/MS

    TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K. announce the AB-40004 microflowmeter (µFlowmeter) – a non-invasive device designed to provide continuous high precision measurement of low volume liquid flows. Optimized to operate over the flow range 0.001 to 80 µL/minute, with an unmatched high resolution of 1nl / minute, the µFlowmeter is the perfect tool for precise measurement of

    High resolution microflowmeter ensures reliability of quantitative LC/MS

    TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K. announce the AB-40004 microflowmeter (µFlowmeter) – a non-invasive device designed to provide continuous high precision measurement of low volume liquid flows. Optimized to operate over the flow range 0.001 to 80 µL/minute, with an unmatched high resolution of 1nl / minute, the µFlowmeter is the perfect tool for precise measurement of

    HPLC calibration curve: Everything You Need to Know

    In analytical chemistry, the concentration of an unknown sample solution can be found out using a calibration curve. It is an experimentally generated graph with the concentration of solution plotted on the x-axis and the observable on the y-axis. Calibration curves are primarily used to determine the concentration of an unknown sample. Standard solutions with

    Sensitive HPLC refractive Index detector

    Biotech Fluidics announce REFRACTiMASTER® -a new HPLC refractive index (RI) detector suitable for detecting compounds with little or no UV activity including simple sugars, complex carbohydrates, alcohols, fatty acids, and polymers. Designed with touch panel screen and a highly intuitive user interface – the REFRACTiMASTER® is an easy-to-use refractive index detector truly built for modern

    Refractive Index Detector Kits for HPLC & uHPLC

    Based on decades of experience in the chromatography field, TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K. has designed a Differential Refractive Index (DRI) detector kit adaptable to fulfil the specific demands of different HPLC system manufacturers. Despite their limited sensitivity, compared to other detectors such as UV or MS, the ability of DRI detectors to detect any analyte

    Continuous quality assessment of HPLC pump performance

    The Liquid Chromatography Flowmeter (LCF) from TESTA Analytical sets a new standard as a real-time monitoring device for continuously measuring the performance of pumps serving HPLC and uHPLC systems. Traditionally the quality of analytical data from HPLC systems has been determined by periodic checks of a set of measured parameters. This unfortunately just gives you

    Comparing Goniometer-based & enclosed Light Scattering instruments

    At first sight, goniometer based and enclosed light scattering instruments look very different in terms of the bench space they occupy. In this technical article we look to underline some of the key details and differences between these two approaches to Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) which might not be immediately obvious to someone interested in