Hormones Present In Birth Control Pills May Alter The Behaviour Of Fish: Swedish Scientist Shows Environmental Impact Of Birth Control Pills

Hormones Present In Birth Control Pills May Alter The Behaviour Of Fish: Swedish Scientist Shows Environmental Impact Of Birth Control Pills


  • Post By : Kumar Jeetendra

  • Source: University of Lund, Sweden

  • Date: 10 Mar,2016

Researcher from University of Lund, Sweden recently published an outstanding thesis report explaining the negative effect of ethinyl-estradiol, an active substance present in birth control pills may alter the change in behaviour of Fish.

According to detailed report an active substance named ethinyl-estradiol present in birth control pills has negative over fish behaviors thesis also reported that nurses and midwives in Sweden has lack of knowledge and awareness about environmental effect of birth control pills.

According to author, Lina Nikoleris.

"Even low concentrations of EE2 have an impact on fish — both their behaviour and their genetics. We have seen a change in the genetic balance in fish, and that they have a harder time catching food. Previous studies have shown that the fish also develop problems with procreation. This can lead to the complete disappearance of an entire fish population, and consequences for entire ecosystems,"

Note: The above story is for information purposes only for more information go through original story source.

Story source: University of Lund, Sweden

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