Best Methods Introduced To Prevent Food Allergy In New Born

Best Methods Introduced To Prevent Food Allergy In New Born


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  • Date: 21 Oct,2015

For better prevention of food allergy in new born infants a review article published in Canadian Medical Association Journal which describes few key points of food allergy prevention.

Food allergy is common in number infants and according to sources, “18% increase between 1997 and 2007 in the United States. A recent survey of Canadian households found that 8% reported at least one food allergy”

The most common allergy is mainly through, milk, eggs, peanut, wheat and few others food sources. Infants with parents having allergy especially to peanut is at high risk of food allergy.

Note: The above story is for information purposes for more information go through original story sources.

Story Source

Canadian Medical Association Journal

Journal References

Elissa M. Abrams and Allan B. Becker. Food introduction and allergy prevention in infants. CMAJ, October 2015 DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.150364

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