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From now on, two high-performance technologies from Analytik Jena go hand in hand: Mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Analytik Jena has created a complete solution combining high-performance HPLC and technologically leading ICP-MS.
“The combination of PQ LC with our PlasmaQuant® MS is a winning formula,” says Ulrich Krauss, CEO of Analytik Jena AG. By separating various species of an element using HPLC, the mass spectrometer can deliver even more precise results. Not only is this interesting for special analyses, but it makes an entire series of routine analyses more efficient, quicker, and more accurate. And does so without requiring more work by the laboratories.”
High precision is needed primarily in sectors that must be able to detect ever tinier traces of elements in their products and processes. For example, in the food industry the combination of PlasmaQuant® MS and PQ LC significantly simplifies the detection of toxic and non-toxic element species. The precision and accuracy of the measurement results also benefit from this. The detection limits here are in the ng/L range.
There are three versions of the PQ LC modules: The space-saving compact PQ LC for routine applications in small lab environments, the standard version of PQ LC for numerous routine and special applications, and the PQ IC ion chromatography system. Individual adaptations to customer requirements and subsequent retrofitting of existing PQ LC modules are also possible. Rounding out the complete solution from Analytik Jena are intuitive controls and analysis software. In addition, a software interface enables the coupling of other HPLC systems to the PlasmaQuant® MS, providing customers with maximum flexibility.
Additional information is available at:
A new HPLC module for a very successful PlasmaQuant® MS mass spectrometer series — Analytik Jena has created a complete solution combining high-performance HPLC and technologically leading ICP-MS.
Application Note:Determination of Arsenic Species in Beverages by HPLC-ICP-MS
rnThe species or chemical form of elements determi