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    TB inoculation connected with altogether improved COVID-19 results: Study

    A tuberculosis vaccine administered during the previous 15 years is correlated with significantly enhanced COVID-19 outcomes, particularly in young adults, according to a new study. The analysis, published in the journal Vaccines, found that BCG regimes are correlated with better COVID-19 outcomes, both in reducing disease rates and death rates , especially for people aged

    Early Detection and Accurate Diagnosis crucial to make India TB Free by 2025 – HaystackAnalytics Insights

    Mumbai, 23 March 2022: HaystackAnalytics, a Mumbai based health-tech startup, supported by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India, healthcare veterans like Dr Velumani, and private players such as GE Healthcare and Intel India Startup Program, reported an alarming 49% increase in the number of TB infections across the country, which largely remain