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    Rising hydrogel material could improve oral drug delivery

    A emerging hydrogel material with the capability to degrade and reform from the gastro intestinal tract can help scientists develop effective procedures for oral drug delivery. The team’s microrheology research is included within a guide and interior cover example from the present dilemma of Soft Issue . To describe the material and supply insight to

    Remedial got from turmeric shows guarantee in treating canine visual condition

    Researchers in Texas A&M University have produced a curative derived from turmeric, a spice long-praised because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties, that shows promise in decreasing ocular inflammation in dogs suffering from uveitis, an inflammation of the eye that leads to pain and reduced vision. Uveitis — a frequent condition in dogs, humans, and other

    Novel medication could improve future and quality for patients with difficult to-treat malignant growths

    The Sheffield researchers founded the spin-out Modulus Oncology with a group of experienced biotech entrepreneurs to fast-track the drug into clinical testing over two decades. The researchers founded the spin-out firm Modulus Oncology, along with a team of seasoned biotech entrepreneurs, to fast-track the drug into clinical testing over two years. The Sheffield team made

    Scientists study misleading impact in nausea therapy at the molecular level

    The molecular bases of the placebo effect are poorly understood. A team headed by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researcher Karin Meissner has now studied the phenomenon in the context of nausea, and identified specific proteins that correlate with its positive impact. The placebo effect seems to work wonders. In certain cases, administration of a’drug’ to

    Recently recognized supplement helps the gut review earlier diseases and execute attacking bacteria

    Scientists studying the body’s natural defenses against bacterial disease have identified a nutritional supplement –taurine–that helps the gut recall prior infections and kill invading bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kpn). The finding, published in the journal Cell by scientists from five institutes of the National Institutes of Health, could help efforts seeking alternatives to antibiotics.