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    Scientists study misleading impact in nausea therapy at the molecular level

    The molecular bases of the placebo effect are poorly understood. A team headed by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researcher Karin Meissner has now studied the phenomenon in the context of nausea, and identified specific proteins that correlate with its positive impact. The placebo effect seems to work wonders. In certain cases, administration of a’drug’ to

    Scientists investigate how messenger substances impact singular decision making

    According to other studies, different parts of the brain are responsible for different kinds of decisions. A research team headed by Luca Franziska Kaiser and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jocham in the HHU working group’Biological Psychology of Decision Making’, and Dr. Theo Gruendler together with colleagues in Magdeburg examined the balance of the messenger substances GABA

    VR offers desire to nerve injury patients encountering chronic pain

    We all feel physical pain in various ways, but people with nerve injuries frequently have a dysfunctional pain reduction system, making them particularly prone to distress. Now researchers have found that virtual reality (VR) can reduce types of pain typically found in patients with nerve injuries – which VR can raise the dysfunctional pain suppression

    Study reveals insight into the capacity of CBD to decrease pain

    It’s been hailed as a wonder drug and it’s certainly creating wonder profits. By some estimates, the Cannabidiol (or CBD) market could be worth $20 billion dollars by 2024. While consumers tout its effectiveness in pain relief, up until now there has been limited experimental human research on the true effectiveness of the medication. But

    Small molecule drug can weaken the triggers of neuroinflammation, preclinical review shows

    Neuroinflammation may cause worse outcomes in cases of stroke, injuries to the brain or injury, and can increase the severity of neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s. This suggests that reducing neuroinflammation might be an exciting new method to treat neurological disorders and neuropathic pain caused by neuroinflammation. In a preclinical study ,