Hereditary components of human gut microbiota are key to wellbeing Kumar Jeetendra | February 6, 2021 Neanderthals’ gut microbiota already contained some beneficial micro-organisms that are also found within our own intestine. An international research group headed by the University of Bologna achieved this result by extracting and analyzing ancient DNA from 50,000-year-old fecal sediments sampled at the archaeological site of El Salt, near Alicante (Spain). Published in Communication Biology, their …
Researchers concentrate how a single gene alteration may have isolated modern humans from extinct hominins Kumar Jeetendra | February 16, 2021 As a professor of pediatrics and molecular and cellular medicine at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, Alysson R. Muotri, PhD, has long studied how the brain develops and what goes wrong in neurological disorders. For nearly as long, he has also been curious about the evolution of the human brain -; what …