Researchers decode how coronavirus particles ‘camouflage’ in have cell Kumar Jeetendra | July 27, 2020 Researchers, including the ones of Indian-origin, have solved the structure of a molecule which the novel coronavirus uses to make its genetic sequence look like a part of the host’s own, an advance which may cause the development of new antiviral drugs against COVID-19. The researchers from the The University of Texas Health Science Center …
FDA endorsed drug ‘Teicoplanin’ discovered more powerful in treating COVID – 19 infection: IIT Delhi research Kumar Jeetendra | September 28, 2020 Clinically approved drug”Teicoplanin” is a potential therapeutic alternative against COVID-19 and may be ten times more effective than many drugs being currently used, a study by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi has found. The research from the institute’s Kusuma School of Biological Science screened an assemblage of 23 approved drugs, which have shown leads …
Cat que infection: Another virus from China can possibly trigger general health emergency in India:ICMR Kumar Jeetendra | September 28, 2020 At a time when India is still grappling with the novel coronavirus pandemic that started in China’s Wuhan, scientists have warned of another virus from China that has the potential to spread diseases in India. Researchers at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) have discovered that the’cat que virus’ (CQV), that has infected many …