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    Immune Response

    Asthma doesn’t seem to expand the danger of contracting COVID-19, shows study

    Asthma doesn’t seem to increase the risk for an individual contracting COVID-19 or influence its own seriousness, as shown by a group of Rutgers research workers. “However, individuals with allergies –even those with diminished lung function that are being treated to control asthmatic inflammation–appear like no worse influenced by SARS-CoV-2 compared to the usual non-asthmatic

    Test mRNA-based COVID-19 immunization evokes defensive safe reactions in animals

    Two injections of this vaccine were enough to induce robust immunity, completely preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in mice. MRNA-based vaccines are all attractive options for protecting against SARS-CoV-2 because they may be quickly designed and manufactured at a huge scale within weeks. Moreover, preclinical studies have shown that mRNA-based vaccines cause potent and broadly protective immune

    Protein delivered by the human safe framework can emphatically hinder Sars-Cov-2

    A protein produced by the human immune system may strongly inhibit corona viruses, including Sars-Cov-2, the pathogen causing Covid-19. An international team from Germany, Switzerland and the USA successfully showed the LY6E-Protein prevents coronaviruses from causing the illness. “This finding may result in the development of new therapeutic approaches against coronaviruses,” says Professor Stephanie Pfänder

    Examination shows how a protein prevents cells from assaulting their own DNA

    Viruses multiply by injecting their DNA into a host cell. Once it passes the intracellular fluid, then this foreign substance triggers a defense mechanism referred to as the cGAS-STING pathway. This, in turn, binds to another protein named Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING), which induces an inflammatory immune reaction. From time to time, the material

    Study surveys ongoing bits of knowledge into the pathogenesis of feline leukemia virus contamination

    Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a gammaretrovirus that occurs worldwide in domestic cats, in addition to small wild cats. It’s associated with various severe, and sometimes fatal, diseases including anaemia, immunosuppression and certain cancers. First described over 55 years ago, FeLV has been the topic of intense research interest, which has led to increasingly robust

    New T-cell-based immunization procedure gives more extensive insurance against occasional flu

    As Americans begin pulling their sleeves up for an annual flu vaccine, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have provided new insights into an alternate vaccine approach that provides wider protection against seasonal flu. In a study published in Cell Reports Medicine today (Sept. 22), scientists describe a T-cell-based vaccine strategy that’s effective against multiple

    Scientists study misleading impact in nausea therapy at the molecular level

    The molecular bases of the placebo effect are poorly understood. A team headed by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researcher Karin Meissner has now studied the phenomenon in the context of nausea, and identified specific proteins that correlate with its positive impact. The placebo effect seems to work wonders. In certain cases, administration of a’drug’ to

    PC model disentangles puzzle behind serious aggravation in individuals with COVID-19

    A study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Cedars-Sinai addresses a mystery first raised in March: Why do some people with COVID-19 develop severe inflammation? The research shows how the molecular arrangement and arrangement of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein–part of the virus that causes COVID-19–could be behind the inflammatory syndrome cropping up