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    Fat cell hormone upgrades helpful capability of MSC treatment

    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential to differentiate into a range of different cell types, including bone, fat, and muscle cells. But it’s their ability to stimulate the repair of damaged tissue that has captured the interest of researchers worldwide, with MSCs demonstrating therapeutic effects in the treatment of conditions such as heart disease,

    Novel medication could improve future and quality for patients with difficult to-treat malignant growths

    The Sheffield researchers founded the spin-out Modulus Oncology with a group of experienced biotech entrepreneurs to fast-track the drug into clinical testing over two decades. The researchers founded the spin-out firm Modulus Oncology, along with a team of seasoned biotech entrepreneurs, to fast-track the drug into clinical testing over two years. The Sheffield team made

    Key China COVID-19 examination delivered results that affected ensuing exploration on Covid

    Crucial China COVID-19 study produced results that Affected subsequent research on coronavirus Early in the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a small study in China produced results that affected subsequent research on the virus. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati used the same research parameters on a much larger patient population and reached completely different

    Pregnancy builds the danger of first-time symptomatic kidney stone

    Though researchers have long known that several physiological and anatomical changes occur during pregnancy which could contribute to kidney stone formation, evidence of the connection has been lacking. An observational study that reviewed the medical records for nearly 3,000 female patients from 1984 to 2012 finds that pregnancy increases the risk of a first-time symptomatic

    New chemical interaction utilizes photocatalytic layer to eliminate steroid hormones

    Micropollutants like steroid hormones contaminate drinking water worldwide and pose a substantial threat to human health and the environment even in smallest quantities. Until today, readily scalable water treatment technologies that remove them economically and sustainably have been lacking. It takes advantage of the mechanisms of photocatalysis and transforms the pollutants into possibly safe oxidation