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    New T-cell-based immunization procedure gives more extensive insurance against occasional flu

    As Americans begin pulling their sleeves up for an annual flu vaccine, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have provided new insights into an alternate vaccine approach that provides wider protection against seasonal flu. In a study published in Cell Reports Medicine today (Sept. 22), scientists describe a T-cell-based vaccine strategy that’s effective against multiple

    IGC analysts get three out of six European Research Council grants

    Since the establishment of the European Research Council in 2008, the IGC has secured 17 of the competitive grants (7 Beginning, 8 Consolidator and two Advanced). In 2021, with the beginning of the new grants awarded this month, it will have ten active grants. The year of 2020 marks a total of 327 researchers chosen

    Retroviruses attacking the koala germline add to high malignant growth rates

    Koalas are facing multiple ecological and health issues which threaten their survival. Together with habitat loss – accelerated by last year’s devastating bush fires — domestic dog attacks and road accidents, they suffer from fatal chlamydial infections and extremely high frequency of cancer. The results are reported in the journal Nature Communications. The koala retrovirus