Researcher Identified Importance Of Blueberries Other Than Commonly Known: Survey Study

Researcher Identified Importance Of Blueberries Other Than Commonly Known: Survey Study


  • Post By : Kumar Jeetendra

  • Source: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

  • Date: 20 Jun,2016

Blueberries are perennial flowering plants of Genus Vaccinium with worldwide cultivation and has an amazing nutritional value with 14% carbohydrates, 0.7% protein, 0.3% fat and 84% water and it was commonly famous among people for vitamin rich food with healthy importance, but Researcher from University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences stated that people are not 100 % aware about the health benefits of blueberries

While working on survey over 2,000 people in 31 states — mostly on the East Coast and in the Midwest researcher found that Blueberries fighting smartly with cancer as well as lower the risk of cardiac disorders.

"More people being familiar with blueberries as deterrents for cancer and heart disease may be related to the high general awareness of these two diseases," Qu said. "The fact that cancer and heart diseases are the leading causes of death in America may have led to more personal research related to preventing the diseases, leading to the respondents being exposed to these findings more than other benefits."

Story Source/Credit: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

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