Highly Reproducible Solid Phase Extraction

Highly Reproducible Solid Phase Extraction


  • Post By : Kumar Jeetendra

  • Source: Microbioz India

  • Date: 22 Jun,2020

Porvair Sciences announce Microlute™ CP – a new generation of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) 96-well microplates and cartridges that take SPE to a new level of performance by enhancing the reproducibility of analyte extraction and recovery from biological, environmental and chemical samples.

Unlike traditional loose-packed SPE methods, Microlute CP uses a hybrid structure, a solid interconnected network of evenly distributed pores combined with the retentive media. This unique design enhances the flow-through of samples to maximise interactions between analytes and the solid phase to deliver an unmatched reproducible SPE method that excels in performance, cleanliness and sensitivity.

Microlute CP microplates and cartridges benefit from a recent technological development which enables immobilisation of active media within the structure of Vyon®, a porous plastic to form a structured interconnected network of even distributed pores. This hybrid technology results in the formation of a chemically active porous filter, a unique structure that overcomes inconsistencies and variabilities often associated with loose-packed methods.

The porous properties of Microlute CP allows for consistent and controlled flow of samples throughout the filter leading to overall better extraction and recovery performance. Meanwhile, the single solid structure used in Microlute CP plates eliminates the need for multiple porous filters for media support which can further disrupt flow rates and lead to unwanted material breakthrough. These technological advances have given rise to a new SPE methodology that extracts and cleans up your samples with enhanced reproducibility (< 4% RSD) meaning you can have greater confidence in results. With no flow-through or packing variability – Microlute CP is the perfect SPE sample preparation tool for high throughput analysis.

Other benefits of the efficient sample clean-up and concentration provided by Microlute CP include cost savings due to reduced need for replicating results; reduced analysis time due to the even emptying of wells; less solvent use compared to LLE and SLE methods as well as increased limit of detection (LoD) and quantification (LoQ). In addition, Microlute CP delivers cleaner samples thereby enabling you to achieve longer column life and reduced system downtime.

For further information about the Microlute™ CP range of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) 96-well microplates and cartridges please visit https://www.microplates.com/microlute-cp/ or contact Porvair Sciences Ltd on +44-1978-661144 / [email protected].

Porvair Sciences are global leaders and original manufacturers and developers of cutting-edge porous plastics technologies. With patents dating back to the 1950’s, our porous plastics continue to evolve, adapt and respond to changes in technologies, markets and customer needs. Empowered by 50 years of industrial experience, we strive to continue delivering world class, high performing products while providing superior customer service, every step of the way. Our diverse team of scientists, engineers and creative thinkers are committed to providing expert solutions that brings value and integrity to our customers.

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