Understanding Ammonium Hydroxide: Properties and Applications

Understanding Ammonium Hydroxide: Properties and Applications


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  • Source: Microbioz India

  • Date: 19 Oct,2023

Chemically speaking, ammonium hydroxide has the formula NH4OH. When dissolved in water, it is frequently referred to as ammonia solution or aqua ammonia. The properties and applications of this material, which is an ammonia gas (NH3) solution in water (H2O), are mostly related to its role as a weak base.

The following are some of the main characteristics and uses of ammonium hydroxide:


  1. Ammonium hydroxide is made up of ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O). When it dissolves in water, it creates ammonium ions (NH4+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).
  2. Percentage: The percentage of ammonium hydroxide can change. It usually stays between 5% and 30%. The quantity changes how it behaves and how strong it is as a base.
  3. Odor: Ammonium hydroxide emits a powerful, pungent aroma that is typical of ammonia. It can irritate the nose and eyes and is frequently connected to cleaning agents.
  4. pH: Ammonium hydroxide has an alkaline pH in solution despite being a weak base. With higher solution concentrations, the pH rises.
  5. Water solubility: Ammonium hydroxide is very water soluble.

Also read

Is NH4OH soluble in water? Everything you need to know


  1. Cleaning Products: Ammonium hydroxide is frequently used in commercial and domestic cleaning solutions for surfaces like glass, floors, and bathrooms. Dirt, grease, and grime can be removed thanks to its fundamental nature.
  2. pH Modification: Ammonium hydroxide is used to modify the pH of solutions in many industrial operations. To neutralize or elevate the pH of acidic liquids, it can be added.
  3. Wastewater Treatment: The utilization of ammonium hydroxide in wastewater treatment facilities serves the purpose of pH regulation in effluent water, hence ensuring adherence to established environmental regulations. Moreover, it facilitates the process of precipitating pollutants and removing heavy metals.
  4. Cooling systems employ ammonium hydroxide as a means to adjust water pH and prevent corrosion in pipelines and equipment.
  5. Fertilizers, namely those that incorporate ammonium compounds, are produced utilizing this substance.
  6. Ammonium hydroxide finds application in the field of food processing, where it serves as a leavening agent and pH regulator. It is utilized in the manufacturing process of many culinary products, with a special emphasis on baked pastries.
  7. The textile industry utilizes pH modification at several stages of the textile processing procedure.
  8. Ammonium hydroxide serves as a reagent employed in laboratory settings to facilitate a diverse range of chemical reactions and analytical methodologies.
  9. Photography: Although newer chemicals have mostly taken its place, it was once utilized in the procedures of developing photographs.

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