Intricacy to Clarity: Transforming chromatographic information data useable outcomes

Intricacy to Clarity: Transforming chromatographic information data useable outcomes


  • Post By : Kumar Jeetendra

  • Source: Markes International Ltd

  • Date: 04 Sep,2020

Register for this free-of-charge webinar – 22 September – 8 am and 4 pm (BST)
Rapid advances in analytical technologies, such as sample preparation, 1D and 2D chromatographic separation and detection by mass spectrometry, are resulting in a massive increase in the data we get from our analyses. This means we can gain ever increasing insights into our samples’ composition. But how can we make processing all this data simpler and more productive?

In this webinar, we will look at new advanced software that quickly transforms this complex data into useable and meaningful results.

By attending this webinar, you will learn…

1.How to use chemometrics to spot the difference between complex samples, without having to be a statistics expert
2.How alignment and raw data workflows leave no trace peaks overlooked
3.How prediction models can be used to quickly and accurately classify future samples

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