Future growth of Lupin with multifaceted generics biosimilar and speciality medicines

Future growth of Lupin with multifaceted generics biosimilar and speciality medicines


  • Post By : Khushboo Sharma

  • Source: PTI

  • Date: 11 Jun,2018

Drug firm Lupin is now focusing on generics, biosimilar and speciality medicines to be the growth driver for going forward as per the investor presentation by the company. Although the company is sustaining and growing its presence in the generic segment, the company is planning for investing heavily in developing high barrier products in complex generics, the presentation said.

Their focus will be to deliver on the key complex generic drugs such as inhalation and injectables as well as successfully file and commercialise the biosimilars.Basically, a complex generic is a generic considered of complex ingredients, complex formulation, complex route of delivery or some complex drug device combinations.

Their focus will be to deliver on the key complex generic drugs such as inhalation and injectables as well as successfully file and commercialise the biosimilars.Basically, a complex generic is a generic considered of complex ingredients, complex formulation, complex route of delivery or some complex drug device combinations..

"Global Biosimilars opportunity is evolving as biosimilars have seen good adoption in Europe and gaining adoption in US," the presentation said. The company’s first biosimilar has been already filed in Japan and soon it’s going to file in Europe.

For the specialty business, the drug maker said it is "committed to building a strong specialty business."

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