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Belly buttons – also referred to as navels – are disregarded, as they appear to be useless, or simply uneventful. However, on occasion, the navel may serve as a host to bacteria, fungi, or even little insects. Although it may appear shocking to imagine a critter in your belly button, this occurrence is not as rare as one may assume.
The most likely culprit of the causative problem would be a persistent and offensive smell. In the human body, the belly button is very small and has an angle, and is surrounded by skin thus one can imagine that it does harbor sweat, decaying epithelial cells and even dirt particles. If such materials are not maintained, the condition can become relatively receptive to colonies of bacteria or fungi, thus resulting in a rather lingering smell. In the case that an odor persists despite adequate hygiene habits, there is a need to question as to what the reason could be.
Is your belly button red and/or has it become swollen? If yes, this may indicate that there is an infection at that site. Some bacteria or fungi are capable of passing through cuts or abrasions on the skin causing a degree of irritation. The irritation may also get worse when a small bug or insect gets into the belly button. Sometimes, the inflammation may arise when the body tries to fight off foreign substances or infections. When the redness or inflammation is associated with pain, it is prudent to consult a doctor.
If, on the contrary, the area around your belly button all the time is itching, things are not right. Sometimes the area around the belly button becomes inflamed due to an irritating piece of clothing or perspiration, but constant itch can indicate an irritation or inflammation arising within the navel. Bacterial and fungal irritations are the usual suspects, although in rare cases, minute respiratory mites and other pests may invade the skin and elicit itch. If yes, don’t scratch. This only aggravates the condition.
A yellowish discharge or pus from your belly button should suggest that there is some serious matter that needs to be taken care of. This is likely to occur depending on the degree of infection that different types of bacteria can cause, or in some even rare cases, when something like lint or dirt or in some cases even an insect gets lodged within the person’s skin. Pus is sometimes the way toward healing an injury, but it is never disregarded. Immediately, anyone who sees a change in any discharge should seek medical help in order to control the spread of the infection.
To most people, this is an unusual feeling but some have reported to feel a crawly or tickling sensation within the belly button. The baby may be caused by a bug or small insect that entered the navel cavity. Although the thought of having something in your belly button is not pleasant, it is usually not serious. If you feel a discomfort or there is a feeling of something moving in your navel, do not attempt to remove it yourself as it would only aggravate the problem. Instead, seek help from a doctor who is able to extract it in an easy and safe way.
If you notice any of the above signs, you should not delay or hesitate in performing any steps. The navel makes a good site for bacteria and other organisms to thrive because it is warm and moist, but most problems should be easily managed with appropriate intervention.
It is however essential to note that having any infection or a bug in this area is common, but changing any personal habits is vital. Proper care to the navel area reduces chances of adverse occurrences in this part and consequently a persons overall health and well-being.