5 Key Differences of Spectrophotometry vs Spectroscopy

5 Key Differences of Spectrophotometry vs Spectroscopy


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  • Source: Microbioz India, Editorial

  • Date: 04 Mar,2023

Spectrophotometry is a method for determining the amount of light a chemical substance absorbs by measuring the intensity of light as a light beam passes through a sample solution. The fundamental idea is that each substance absorbs or transmits light within a specific wavelength range. This measurement can also be used to determine the concentration of a known chemical compound. In domains such as chemistry, physics, biochemistry, material and chemical engineering, and therapeutic applications, Spectrophotometry is one of the most valuable quantitative analysis techniques.

A Spectrophotometer is an equipment that measures the amount of photons (light intensity) absorbed by a sample solution after light has passed through it. By measuring the observed intensity of light with a spectrophotometer, it is also possible to measure the concentration of a given chemical compound.

Depending on the range of wavelength of light source, it can be classified into two different types:

UV-visible spectrophotometer:

Utilizes Electromagnetic Energy within the ultraviolet (185 – 400 nm) and visible (400 – 700 nm) regions of the spectrum.

IR spectrophotometer

Makes use of light in the infrared region of the Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum, which extends from 700 to 15000 nanometers.

The study of the relationship between radiated matter and emitted energy is known as spectroscopy. After taking in the energy, the material goes into an excited state, which produces an easily observable interaction through the visible light produced by electromagnetic waves on the visible spectrum. In more recent times, this field of study has broadened to incorporate the interactions that take place between protons, ions, and electrons. In the scientific disciplines of physics, chemistry, and astronomy—all of which have advanced as a direct result of the findings of this study—spectroscopy is a technique that is utilised frequently.

In spite of the fact that the terms spectrophotometry and Spectroscopy are often used interchangeably; these two disciplines are quite distinct from one another in many respects:


  1. Spectrometry is the practical application where the results are generated.
  2. The study of spectra, or spectroscopy, It is the study of the interplay between matter and energy in radiation that spectroscopy investigates.
  3. Spectrophotometry in order to derive any useful information from this field of study, you will first need to analyse and interpret the data using spectrometry, which is a technique that focuses on the measurement of light spectra.
  4. Spectrophotometry is carried out with the use of a device known as a spectrophotometer, which is an instrument that carries out quantitative measurements of the transmission or reflectance properties of a material as a function of wavelength.
  5. Spectrometers are extremely versatile instruments that can be utilised in a variety of settings and contexts.

Spectrophotometer: Representative image

The following is a list of some of the more important applications:

  1. It is utilised in the marine ecosystem for the purpose of dissolved oxygen concentration monitoring.
  2. Determining the protein’s characteristics
  3. Research into the spectral emission lines of extremely faraway galaxies
  4. The use of respiratory gas analysis in medical facilities
  5. The exploration of space


  1. Spectrometry is the method used to acquire a quantitative measurement of the spectrum, whereas spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy. Spectroscopy is the science.
  2. Spectroscopy refers to a collection of different physical methods that are used to dissect radiation according to a particular property, such as its mass, energy, or wavelength. The term “spectrum” refers to the resulting distribution of intensities.
  3. Spectroscopy alone doesn’t provide outcomes
  4. A spectrometer is required for spectroscopy because it analyses the physical differences that occur across a spectrum and collects data depending on the amount of light that a substance projects in one of three wavelength ranges: visible, infrared, or ultraviolet.
  5. Spectroscopy is a technology that is utilised in a vast variety of scientific domains and applications.

The following are examples of some of them:

  1. Absorption spectroscopy
  2. Infrared spectroscopy
  3. UV spectroscopy
  4. X-ray spectroscopy
  5. Laser spectroscopy
  6. Raman spectroscopy

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