Understanding Mycoplasma Hominis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Understanding Mycoplasma Hominis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


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  • Source: Microbioz India

  • Date: 15 Dec,2023

Within the class Mollicutes is one particular species of bacteria known as Mycoplasma hominis. Due to their lack of cell walls, these Mollicutes are distinct from other bacteria. The species called Mycoplasma hominis, on the other hand, specifically colonizes human urogenital tract, especially mucous membranes in the genital and respiratory tracts.

Certainly, let’s explore the key aspects of Mycoplasma hominis infections, including their causes, symptoms, and treatment:


Mycoplasma Hominis Bacteria:

  1. Mycoplasma hominis is a type of bacteria that can colonize and infect the genital and respiratory tracts in humans.
  2. It is transmitted through sexual contact, making it a sexually transmitted infection (STI).


Genital Infections:

  1. In women, M. hominis can be associated with urogenital infections, including cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and infections of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  2. In men, it may contribute to urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).

Asymptomatic Infections:

  1. M. hominis infections can be asymptomatic, and individuals may carry the bacteria without showing noticeable symptoms.
  2. Asymptomatic carriers can still transmit the infection to sexual partners.


Laboratory Tests:

  1. Diagnosis often involves nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to detect the genetic material of M. hominis.
  2. Testing may be conducted on samples from the genital tract, such as vaginal or urethral swabs.



  1. Treatment typically involves antibiotics like doxycycline, tetracycline or macrolides like azithromycin.
  2. Due to antibiotic resistance potential antibiotic choice may be guided by susceptibility testing of specific strains.

Partner Treatment:

  1. Sexual partners should also get tested and treated if need be so as to avoid reinfection.


Safe Sexual Practices:

  1. To reduce the risk of transmission of M.hominis practicing safe sex which includes consistent and correct condom use.

Regular STI Screening:

  1. Regular screening for STIs like M.hominis is important especially for people who have multiple sexual partners or when one has symptoms.


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):

  1. Untreated M. hominis infections in women may contribute to PID, which can lead to long-term reproductive health issues.

Pregnancy Complications:

  1. There is a link between adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth and low birth weight but the causative relationship with M.hominis is not fully understood.


  1. Consultation with Healthcare Professionals: Any person who suspects or has symptoms of an infection from M. hominis should seek advice from healthcare professionals for appropriate testing and treatment.
  2. Importance of Partner Notification: Once diagnosed with M. hominis, individuals should let their sexual partners know about it so that they can also get tested and if necessary, treated.

In summary, M. hominis is a sexually transmitted bacterium that can cause urogenital infections in both men and women. Prompt diagnosis through testing and appropriate antibiotic treatment are essential in managing infections. Safe sexual practices, regular STI screening, and partner notification contribute to prevention efforts. Given the potential for antibiotic resistance, the choice of antibiotics should be guided by susceptibility testing.

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