The Science of Centrifugal Force: Centripetal vs Centrifugal in Action

The Science of Centrifugal Force: Centripetal vs Centrifugal in Action


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  • Date: 02 Jan,2025

Physics has a way of presenting us with remarkable aspects of the universe. One such example is the balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces which are present in many systems found in nature or created by man. From amusement park thrilling rides to planetary bodies, force interrelationships are evident.

This article is a discussion of the forces of centrifugal and centripetal, their differences and their uses.

What Is Centripetal Force?

Centripetal force is the necessary force that acts perpendicularly towards the center of a rotating circular motion to keep the same motion intact. In the absence of it, an object would remain stationary and move in a straight line because of inertia as such was established in Newton’s First Law of Motion. Taking an example, when you swing a ball attached to a string, the tension ‘centripetal force’ on the string holds the ball to its circular path.

From a physicist perspective centripetal force (F) is described by the following formula:


  1. FcF_c = Centripetal force
  2. mm = Mass of the object
  3. vv = Velocity of the object (speed)
  4. rr = Radius of the circular path

What In Simple Terms Is Centrifugal Force?

Centrifugal force is often termed as fictitious force, revolving force or pseudo force where one considers as an outward force on the body when it is viewed from a rotating frame of reference. These are not real forces but are rather a taw of inertia which is a property of matter that causes it to resist any change in its state or motion. In very broad terms, it is what you experience in the spinning ride when you are being slung in to the outer surface of the container due to a force exerted on you.

As an example, when passengers make an inward repayment, they may feel as if they’re pushing them out at a particular angle instead of together. This happens because the body is turning straight while the vehicle is changing the direction of its rotation. It can be seen clearly by the passengers sitting inside the car that when the vehicle turns while being stationary, they are under the effect of an outward force. It should be noted, however, that this force is but an application of centripetal force.

Centripetal and centrifugal forces are commonly misinterpreted forces because they are opposites in the framework of their nature. Centripetal is directed towards the inner circle and is a pure force whereas centrifugal is directed outward from the primary circle and is an imaginary force.

In short, in a rotating amusement park ride, it is the centripetal force which is responsible for keeping the passengers in motion in a circle around the rotating axis, while the centrifugal force may cause an inner sensation of being pushed outward, but it is not a true force; it is the inertia which overcomes the centripetal force seeking to center the passenger.

Common Usage Apply

Washing Machines:

In washing machines, the centrifugal force induces a water expulsion from the clothes during the spin cycle. The cylinder’s objects are moving relatively fast causing water to flow towards the holes and thus the clothes remain with more water less.


Banking helps in supplying the centripetal force required for the movement of vehicles around curved roads. In the absence of proper designs, centrifugal force, on the other hand, would start pushing the vehicles outwards instigating road accidents.

Amusement Park Rides:

Certain amusement park rides such as roller coasters or spinning swings incorporate these forces to make it a more fun experience. Centripetal force allows the passengers to stay on the track while the centrifugal force gives the sensation of being pressed into the seat.


The Sun’s gravitational centripetal force is equal to the planets’ inertial-force seeking to maintain linear movement making the planets continue orbiting around the sun.

Industrial Equipment:

Centrifugal force-based machines aid in altering the chemical composition of certain substances, this however is a different type of a process. For example the blood’s components may be separated as an essential form of medical analysis.

Misconceptions and Clarifications

Centrifugal forces that push outward are a force that pushes out Which people think of it quite differently. One of the things to remember is that, this which feels as a pushing by the other part of the core is actually known as inertia. Differentiating these states is necessary for industry and analysis.

The Bigger Picture

For the case of centripetal force and centrifugal forces, they are particularly central to Estimation of motion in rotating systems. With the design of automobiles and amusement devices and the exploration of space as well as systems of industry, many things are affected by these forces.

Learning about these forces enables us to understand what we tend to see on every single day, but more importantly including us as an engineer contributes into forces that can have them modified into device solutions. The relationship between these forces – centripetal and centrifugal – reveal how physics works, and its quite a beauty whether you are a physics student or not.

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