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    Mass spectrometry shows potential for fast SARS-CoV-2 recognition

    A team from SPI in Marcoule discovered by mass spectrometry, in just 3 minutes and without specific reagents, signature peptides of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in clinical samples (nasopharyngeal swabs). It hence gives a proof of concept concerning the usage of the technique as a potential option to PCR, now the reference process. Quick but nonetheless

    Scientists distinguish new method that causes leukemia

    Every year, 1.1 million new cases of blood cancers are diagnosed globally. Currently, chemotherapy remains the most common and efficient plan of treatment. On the other hand, the development of aggressive types of leukemia in adults stimulates a need for early detection and new therapeutic approaches to achieve better clinical outcomes. In a novel step

    Examination shows how a protein prevents cells from assaulting their own DNA

    Viruses multiply by injecting their DNA into a host cell. Once it passes the intracellular fluid, then this foreign substance triggers a defense mechanism referred to as the cGAS-STING pathway. This, in turn, binds to another protein named Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING), which induces an inflammatory immune reaction. From time to time, the material

    Key China COVID-19 examination delivered results that affected ensuing exploration on Covid

    Crucial China COVID-19 study produced results that Affected subsequent research on coronavirus Early in the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a small study in China produced results that affected subsequent research on the virus. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati used the same research parameters on a much larger patient population and reached completely different

    PC model disentangles puzzle behind serious aggravation in individuals with COVID-19

    A study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Cedars-Sinai addresses a mystery first raised in March: Why do some people with COVID-19 develop severe inflammation? The research shows how the molecular arrangement and arrangement of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein–part of the virus that causes COVID-19–could be behind the inflammatory syndrome cropping up

    CBD could lessen lung harm brought about by COVID-19

    One way CBD appears to reduce the”cytokine storm” that damages the lungs and kills many individuals with COVID-19 is by enabling an increase in levels of a natural peptide called apelin, which is proven to reduce inflammation and whose levels are dramatically reduced in the face of this storm. Dental College of Georgia and Medical

    Scientists find uncommon hereditary disorder that influences the brain, heart and facial highlights

    Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have discovered a new genetic disorder characterized by developmental delays and malformations of the brain, heart and facial features. Named linkage-specific-deubiquitylation-deficiency-induced embryonic defects syndrome (LINKED), it is caused by a mutated version of the OTUD5 gene, which interferes with key molecular actions in embryo development. The findings indicate

    World’s first completely reversible control of the circadian clock

    The Nagoya University Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM) research team of Designated Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Hirota, Postdoctoral Fellow Simon Miller, Professor Kenichiro Itami and grad student Tsuyoshi Oshima (Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, JSPS), in collaboration with the team of Professor Ben Feringa and Postdoctoral Fellow Dušan Kolarski of Groningen University in the Netherlands, have