Merck begins enrollment for COVID-19 vaccine preliminary

Merck begins enrollment for COVID-19 vaccine preliminary


  • Post By : Kumar Jeetendra

  • Source: Reuters

  • Date: 12 Sep,2020

United States drugmaker Merck & Co Inc has begun recruiting participants into its early-stage COVID-19 vaccine study, according to the government database

The phase 1/2 trial, which is based in Belgium, intends to recruit 260 healthy participants to check the experimental vaccine V591, which it gained access to as a member of its May deal for Austrian vaccine maker Themis Bioscience.

The vaccine is based on a modified measles virus which delivers bits of the new coronavirus into the body to avoid COVID-19.

Merck is late to join the race to develop a safe and effective vaccine to the fast-spreading respiratory illness as rivals Pfizer Inc, AstraZeneca Plc and Moderna Inc are already in late-stage testing.

The drugmaker is also collaborating with research non-profit IAVI on a second vaccine candidate that employs the same technology as Merck’s Ebola vaccine, ERVEBO.

Earlier this month, Chief Executive Kenneth Frazier had stated the second candidate is very likely to begin trials later this year.

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