High yield photochemical flow synthesis

High yield photochemical flow synthesis


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  • Source: Uniqsis

  • Date: 07 Mar,2022

The Borealis™ Flow Photoreactor from Uniqsis sets a new benchmark for high yield photochemical flow synthesis.
Comprising a high intensity Borealis™ LED lamp unit and a Cold Coil™ standalone reactor module – the Borealis™ Flow Photoreactor brings flow photochemistry within the reach of almost any laboratory.

Fitted with a safety interlock, to prevent accidental exposure to high intensity light, the LED lamps (available in a range of fixed wavelengths – 370, 410, 440, 460 and 520nm), are powered by a programable power supply that automatically detects the wavelength of the Borealis™ LED module and adjusts the output characteristics accordingly. A temperature sensor and safety cut-out are fitted to protect the LEDs from overheating. An Inert gas purge input is provided for low temperature use.

Borealis™ Flow Photoreactor connected to programmable power supply

To set up the Borealis™ Flow Photoreactor – a coil reactor is inserted inside a Cold Coil™ reactor module and clamped in place using the external adjuster. The Borealis™ LED lamp unit is then inserted into the coil reactor and connected to the programmable power supply.
The coil reactor temperature is controlled by connecting the Cold Coil to a either a cold-water supply (for reactions close to room temperature), or preferably to a high precision thermoregulation system**.
For further information on the Borealis™ Flow Photoreactor please visit https://www.uniqsis.com/paProductsDetail.aspx?ID=Borealis or contact Uniqsis on +44-845-864-7747/ [email protected].
Since 2007, Uniqsis has specialised in the design and supply of mesoscale continuous flow chemistry systems for a wide range of applications in chemical and pharmaceutical research. The company’s aim is to make flow chemistry easily accessible to both novices and experienced users.
** Such as the Huber Piccolo or Minstat

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