Improving sample preparation prior to analysis of antibiotics, mycotoxins and pesticides in food by GC/MS and LC/MS Kumar Jeetendra | November 1, 2021 BioChromato reports the Russian Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers (HEC) network of institutes is using its evaporators to improve sample preparation as part of their drive to improve the well-being of the population by monitoring food safety and environmental (atmospheric air, soil and drinking water) factors. Chikako Yokosawa, Export Sales Manager at BioChromato said “We are …
Sartorius Launches the Octet® SF3 SPR System, Strengthening its Leadership in Advanced Label- Free Bioanalytics Kumar Jeetendra | July 4, 2022 The Life Science Group Sartorius today launched the new Octet® SF3, the first Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) system under the Sartorius Octet® brand. Up to now, the Octet® name has been synonymous with Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI), a proprietary fluidic-free instrument platform for real- time, label-free analysis of biomolecular interactions. This launch establishes Sartorius as the …