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    Roche’s HER2 Companion Diagnostic for Breast Cancer: FDA approval

    Roche, Basel, Switzerland, has received FDA approval for its Ventana HER2 Dual ISH DNA Probe Cocktail assay for the detection of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) biomarker in breast cancer and as a companion diagnostic for Herceptin (trastuzumab) therapy. HER2 is an important biomarker sometimes found in breast cancer, and its detection

    FDA authorizes initial two COVID-19 serology tests

    Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the initial two COVID-19 serology tests which show an estimated amount of antibodies within somebody’s blood. Both tests from Siemens, the ADVIA Centaur COV2G and Attelica COV2G are what are known as”semi-quantitative” evaluations, meaning that they don’t show an exact measurement, but estimate the number of a

    AnteoTech’s COVID-19 antigen and Flu A&B test distinguishes SARS-Cov-2, flu in under 15 minutes

    AnteoTech Ltd has developed proof-of-concept COVID-19 antigen and Flu A&B point-of-care lateral flow tests which could detect the existence of SARS-Cov-2 and influenza in under 15 minutes. The tests utilize AnteoTech’s patented AnteoBind™ activated europium technologies and provide considerably higher sensitivity than that provided by currently available COVID-19 tests. AnteoTech intends for the tests to

    The Native Antigen Company declares custom agreement administration to create flu An and B antigens

    The Native Antigen Company (now part of LGC’s Clinical Diagnostics Division), among the world’s leading suppliers of reagents which enables research into vaccines and diagnostics for emerging and endemic infectious diseases, today announced the debut of its custom contract agency to rapidly develop antigen panels for influenza A and B viruses. This new service provides

    New analytic instrument may permit on-the-spot recognition of Covid disease

    Scientists at the University of Warwick have demonstrated a possible diagnostic tool for detecting Covid-19 using sugars will operate with a virus as opposed to just its proteins, a significant step in making it a viable evaluation in future. Coronavirus diagnostics currently require centralized facilities and collection/distribution of swabs and outcomes are’next day’. A new

    Researchers grow first plant-based gel to help organoid development for biomedical applications

    Monash University researchers have created the world’s first bioactive plant-based nanocellulose hydrogel to support organoid growth and help significantly reduce the costs of research into cancer and COVID-19. This discovery by researchers in BioPRIA (Bioresource Processing Institute of Australia), Monash University’s Department of Chemical Engineering and the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute will develop organoids cheaper,

    Gene panel test empowers exceptionally exact diagnosis of liposarcomas

    Scientists have leveraged the latest advances in RNA technology and machine learning methods to develop a gene panel evaluation which allows for highly accurate diagnosis of the most frequent kinds of liposarcoma. The new assay is described in The Journal of Molecular Diagnosis, published by Elsevier. Liposarcomas are a type of malignant cancer that is