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    Sleep Apnea

    Telemonitoring in the management of sleep apnea : SEFAM

    The telemonitoring technology has opened up new avenues connecting patients, doctors, and homecare providers. It has a huge potential to support patients clinically and technically, making the treatment more personalized. It has a proven potential to improve CPAP adherence in patients of OSA. What is OSA? The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is characterized by

    Sefam S.Box: A novel and innovative approach to manage your patients suffering of Respiratory Impairment or Sleep Breathing Disorders

    In the platform of S.Box, a new Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) device for non-dependant patients of Sleep Apnea Syndromeand Chronic Respiratory Failure. The key feature of Cloud Connectivity makes patient care more flexible, efficient and yet very easy. Data Transmission option with modular – WiFi // GSM Modem, making life easier. The patient is encouraged to