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    Seeing how the malaria can withstand fever’s warmth

    Even when a man suffering from malaria is burning up with fever and too ill to operate, the little blood-eating parasites lurking inside them continue to flourish, relentlessly growing and multiplying as they gobble up the host’s red blood cells. The single-celled Plasmodium parasites that cause 200 million cases of malaria annually can withstand feverish

    Bruker presents Vutara™ VXL tbest-in-class super-resolution magnifying lens and spatial science investigation abilities

    Vutara VXL serves as a biological microscopy workstation for research on DNA, RNA and proteins, from macromolecular complexes and super-structures, to chromatin structure and chromosomal substructures, to studying functional connections in genomes and in various subcellular organelles. This novel system supports innovative spatial biology research in extracellular matrix structures, extracellular vesicles (EV), virology, neuroscience, and

    Scientists disentangle the cycle that makes virus irresistible

    Researchers have for the first time identified how viruses like the poliovirus and the common cold virus’package up’ their genetic code, allowing them to infect cells. The findings, published today (Friday, 8 January) in the journal PLOS Pathogens by a team from the Universities of Leeds and York, open up the possibility that medication or