Study shows how mast cells manage calcium levels to control the invulnerable reaction Kumar Jeetendra | July 23, 2020 Instead of protecting us, the immune system can sometimes go awry, as in the case of autoimmune disorders and allergies. An Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich group has dissected how mast cells modulate their calcium levels to maintain the immune response under control. The immune system defends us against attack by germs and viruses and also …
Study shows why children of obese moms have inclination to create metabolic illnesses Kumar Jeetendra | January 27, 2021 A Brazilian study published in the journal Molecular Human Reproduction helps understand why overweight mothers often have children with a propensity to develop metabolic disease during their lifetime, according to previous research. According to the authors,”transgenerational transmission of metabolic disorders” may be associated with Mfn2 deficiency in the mother’s oocytes (immature eggs). Mfn2 refers to …
INTEGRA’s electronic pipettes empower reproducible examination in microbial analysis Kumar Jeetendra | March 17, 2021 Bacterial evolution studies involve analysis of large sample numbers, requiring compact, reproducible pipetting processes to effectively characterize the qualities of different strains. Dr Astrid Altamirano-Junqueira, who completed her doctoral studies into the growth of bacterial motility in the School of Biological Studies at Reading University, discussed how these digital pipettes aided her research:”My focus was …
Analysts study the role of subnuclear NSrp70 in T cell-intervened adaptive immunity Kumar Jeetendra | July 15, 2021 T cell are part of the body’s immune response. The way proteins are spliced in their development and maturation determines how T cells can recognize different pathogens and mount defense against them. Scientists from Korea now highlight the role of NSrp70 in regulating maturation. This protein was previously found in T cells subnuclear space and …