Here’s what you need to know about Plasma therapy for CORONA virus Kumar Jeetendra | April 17, 2020 As of late, specialists have discovered that the body can recuperate itself. Platelet-rich plasma treatment is a type of regenerative medication that can bridle those capacities and intensify the regular development factors your body uses to recuperate tissue. What is plasma and what are platelets? Plasma is the fluid part of entire blood. It is …
Cat que infection: Another virus from China can possibly trigger general health emergency in India:ICMR Kumar Jeetendra | September 28, 2020 At a time when India is still grappling with the novel coronavirus pandemic that started in China’s Wuhan, scientists have warned of another virus from China that has the potential to spread diseases in India. Researchers at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) have discovered that the’cat que virus’ (CQV), that has infected many …