Having eye flu? Here’s everything you need to know Kumar Jeetendra | July 29, 2023 The inflammation of the conjunctiva, or “pink eye,” is a frequent form of eye flu or conjunctivitis. An inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the membrane that covers the white of the eye as well as the inside of the eyelids, is what this condition is called. When the conjunctiva is inflamed, the very little …
Pink eye (Conjunctivitis) Kumar Jeetendra | August 2, 2023 How to avoid getting and spreading ? Pink eye is highly contagious Pink eye in this season is mostly caused by adenovirus. It can be caused by several bacteria. Symptoms Redness and swelling Watering and discharge Grittiness and irritation Itching and burning Crusting of the eyelids and eyelashes See your doctor if you have pink …