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    Embryonic Development

    Scientists find uncommon hereditary disorder that influences the brain, heart and facial highlights

    Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have discovered a new genetic disorder characterized by developmental delays and malformations of the brain, heart and facial features. Named linkage-specific-deubiquitylation-deficiency-induced embryonic defects syndrome (LINKED), it is caused by a mutated version of the OTUD5 gene, which interferes with key molecular actions in embryo development. The findings indicate

    Researchers describe the systems that manage embryonic stem cells

    Scientists at the Proteomics Core Unit of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), headed by Javier Muñoz, have clarified the mechanisms, unknown to date, included in maintaining embryonic stem cells in the best possible condition for their use in regenerative medicine. The results, published in Nature Communications, helps to find novel stem-cell therapies for