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    Electron Microscopy

    Scientists disentangle the cycle that makes virus irresistible

    Researchers have for the first time identified how viruses like the poliovirus and the common cold virus’package up’ their genetic code, allowing them to infect cells. The findings, published today (Friday, 8 January) in the journal PLOS Pathogens by a team from the Universities of Leeds and York, open up the possibility that medication or

    Researchers enlighten how a few antibodies can viably disable ebolaviruses

    Some survivors of ebolavirus outbreaks create antibodies that may broadly neutralize those viruses–and today , scientists at Scripps Research have illuminated how these antibodies can disable the viruses so efficiently. The insights might be helpful for developing effective treatments. Ebolavirus is a family of often-deadly viruses that includes Ebola virus and lots of lesser-known viruses