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    dna extraction

    Seven Common mistakes everyone makes in DNA isolation

    A biological sample obtained in the form of a blood or semen or tissue sample from a known individual contains a number of substances beside DNA. DNA molecules must be separated from its other cellular components. Cellular proteins that package and protect DNA in the environment of the cell can inhibit the ability to analyse

    Automating DNA Extraction for High-Throughput Bacterial Plasmid Purification

    Originally found in bacteria, plasmids are circular DNA fragments that can self-replicate in the cytoplasm. Within prokaryotic cells, these extrachromosomal DNA molecules typically contain genes that promote survival and virulence. The potential of plasmids to drive discovery became apparent when technologies such as restriction enzymes and PCR allowed scientists to cut and paste a DNA

    How Centrifugal Force Powers the Modern Centrifuge

    Across the globe, centrifuges have grown in importance as a separation technique. As such, the centrifuge could be regarded as a modern-day marvel for the manner in which it has changed the separation and analyses of mixtures within medical, clinical, and laboratory settings. Central to its operation is the interesting concept of centrifugal force. This

    The Role of Centrifugal Force in Centrifuges

    Centrifuges are undoubtedly some of the most adaptable devices in labs, industries, and even health centers. These machines are based on a relatively simple principle: centrifugal force. With the help of this force, aids in the separation and purification of substances which greatly helps to change the way research, diagnostics and even manufacturing is done.