Oregon scientists uncover sub-atomic instruments that produce DNA harm in sperm Kumar Jeetendra | October 25, 2020 University of Oregon biologists have used the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans to identify molecular mechanisms that produce DNA damage in sperm and contribute to male infertility following exposure to heat. In humans, the optimal temperature for sperm production is just below body temperature, in a range of approximately 90-95 degrees F. Human studies have found …
Study famous how ecDNA fragments pressure gene amplification to generate drug resistance in cancer Kumar Jeetendra | December 26, 2020 Researchers headed by Ludwig San Diego Member Don Cleveland and Peter Campbell of the Sanger Center have solved the puzzle of how free-floating circular DNA fragments, which are almost exclusively found in cancer cells, drive gene amplification to create drug resistance in cancer. The study, published on December 23 in the journal Nature, provides new …
Researchers find out how shattered chromosomes make most cancers cells greater aggressive Kumar Jeetendra | December 27, 2020 Cancer is one of the world’s biggest health afflictions because, unlike some diseases, it’s a moving target, constantly evolving to evade and resist treatment. In a paper published in the December 23, 2020 online dilemma of Nature, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the UC San Diego branch of the …
Researchers utilize funtional test to quantify the impact of inhertited varient in BRCA2 acancer gene Kumar Jeetendra | February 21, 2021 Researchers at Mayo Clinic have combined results from a functional test measuring the effect of inherited variations in the BRCA2 breast and ovarian cancer gene with clinical information from women who received genetic testing to determine the clinical importance of many BRCA2 variants of uncertain significance (VUS). The findings were published today in a study …
Study maps design and system of a membrane enzyme that assumes part in inflammation, cancer Kumar Jeetendra | March 21, 2021 Most drugs operate via the membranes that surround the body’s cells. The analysis, which is printed in the journal Nature Communications, can make a significant contribution to the development of potential drugs. The cells’ equal to organs, the organelles, are enclosed by membranes. Embedded in the cell’s external and internal membranes are proteins that regulate …
Researchers examine how oxygen radicals secure against cancer Kumar Jeetendra | April 26, 2021 Initially, oxygen radicals – reactive oxygen species, or ROS for short – were thought of as exclusively harmful in the body. They’re produced, by way of example, by smoking or UV radiation. Because of their high reactivity, they could damage many important molecules in cells, including the hereditary molecule DNA. As a result, there’s a …