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    Healthcare professionals experience mental wellness issues during and after pandemics

    Mental health problems such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety and depression are common among healthcare staff during and immediately after pandemics — according to new research from the University of East Anglia. Researchers investigated how treating patients in previous pandemics like SARS and MERS affected the mental health of front-line staff. They found that nearly

    Study: Most pregnant patients tested positive for Covid were asymptomatic

    The pregnant patients who tested positive for the coronavirus were also more likely than those who tested negative to identify as Hispanic and report their primary language as Spanish. In a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of worldwide screenings for SARS-Cov-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, implemented in the labor and delivery unit of Elmhurst Hospital in

    Enormous transporter protein dysfunction related with schizophrenia

    Researchers have suspected mutations in a cellular cholesterol transport protein are associated with psychiatric disorders, but have found it hard to show this and to pinpoint how it happens. Currently, Kazumitsu Ueda of Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) and colleagues in Japan have provided evidence that mice with disrupted ABCA13 protein demonstrate

    Scientists recognize neural circuit associated with reciprocally controlling weight gain and despondency

    Research has found that obesity and mental disorders such as depression and anxiety seem to often go together. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and cooperating institutions are providing new insights into this association by identifying and characterizing a novel neural circuit that mediates the reciprocal control of feeding and mental conditions in mouse models.

    New hereditarily encoded sensor recognizes drugs of abuse

    A genetically encoded sensor to detect hallucinogenic compounds has been developed by researchers at the University of California, Davis. Named psychLight, the sensor could be used in discovering new treatments for mental illness, in neuroscience research and to detect drugs of abuse. The work is published April 28 in the journal Cell. Compounds associated with