Analysts recognize anticoagulation operator that stifles SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro Kumar Jeetendra | July 27, 2020 Effective antivirals with secure clinical profile are urgently needed to improve the overall prognosis. In an analysis of a randomly collected cohort of 124 patients using COVID-19, the authors discovered that hypercoagulability according to elevated levels of D-dimers was associated with illness severity. By calculating of a U.S. FDA approved drug library, the authors identified …
Study shows tofacitinib medication can fix porousness absconds in the digestive tract Kumar Jeetendra | October 6, 2020 A team of researchers led by biomedical scientist Declan F. McCole in the University of California, Riverside, has found that the medication tofacitinib, also called Xeljanz and approved by the FDA to treat rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, can fix permeability defects in the intestine. Study results appear in the Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. …
Scientists use genetics to recognize likely drugs for early administration of COVID-19 Kumar Jeetendra | April 12, 2021 A new study using human genetics indicates researchers should prioritize clinical trials of drugs that target two proteins to manage COVID-19 in its early stages. The findings appeared online in the journal Nature Medicine at March 2021. The purpose is to identify present drugs, either FDA-approved or in clinical development for other conditions, that can …